Jenielle Jensen strives to provide reliable, accurate information on a variety of topics. Expert writers and editors provide well-researched content that adheres to the highest standards of journalistic integrity.’s editorial team maintains complete editorial independence and control over content without influence from advertisers or sponsors. Jenielle Jensen is very sensitive to advertising and editorial issues, and wants to assure you that it remains independent of any advertisement or promotional influence in order to bring you the best information possible.

Where does Jenielle Jensen’s content come from?

  • Original content: Articles, slideshows, product reviews, interviews, polls and quizzes are all original content, created by the Jenielle Jensen editorial team. Any review or article for which a product was provided by a third party will be disclosed in the body of the article.
  • User contributed content: Some content, in the form of comments on articles, blogs and other elements may be provided by visitors. While this content is moderated, it will contain statements that have not been researched or verified by the editorial team.
  • Licensed content: In some instances, Jenielle Jensen may license content to make it available to visitors. This content is reviewed for adherence to Jenielle Jensen’s editorial standards and guidelines.

Links to Other Sites: Some links on leave our site in order to access another site (“Linked Sites”). Jenielle Jensen provides these links as a convenience, but we neither control nor endorse these Linked Sites, nor has Jenielle Jensen approved the content which appears on the Linked Sites. Jenielle Jensen is not responsible for the legality, accuracy or inappropriate nature of any content, advertising, products or other materials on or available from any Linked Sites.

Corrections Policy: promptly corrects or clarifies content when necessary. Any corrections to licensed or third-party content are the responsibility of the creators of that content, although we make our best efforts to notify them of any reported errors.

Feedback: Please send comments and questions about the site or our editorial policy via e-mail to [email protected]

Advertising Policy

Advertising on Jenielle Jensen includes banners, graphics, buttons, contextual advertising, sponsored content, promotions and affiliate links. Advertisers on are required to provide advertising that is accurate, tasteful and complies with Jenielle Jensen’s advertising guidelines. Advertisers are responsible for the material in their advertising and Jenielle Jensen is not responsible for the legality, accuracy or inappropriate nature of any advertising or sites to which advertising links. has sole and absolute discretion with respect to interpretation and enforcement of this policy and may change it at any time by posting a revised policy to the website.

Jenielle Jensen has sole discretion for determining the types of advertising that are accepted and displayed on However, acceptance of advertising shall not be considered an endorsement of any product, service or company.

Jenielle Jensen will not knowingly accept advertising that it believes is not factually accurate; advertising must not contain deceptive or fraudulent material.

Jenielle Jensen will not knowingly accept advertising that contains offensive material, including any material that misrepresents, ridicules, or attacks an individual or group on the basis of age, color, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or handicap.

Clicking on an advertisement will link to an advertiser’s site. Jenielle Jensen has no responsibility for content, offers or services on an advertiser’s site.

Jenielle Jensen maintains a distinct separation between editorial content and advertising. Jenielle Jensen will adhere to industry standards in identifying advertising on the website. Sponsored content on the website will be labeled as advertising or “Sponsored” to differentiate it from editorial content.

Jenielle Jensen has affiliate relationships with a number of companies and may be reimbursed for purchases made via links to the websites of those companies.